Thursday 22 April 2010

Tank Tracks

Got the script up and running with the tracks.
The Script I used basically allows you to place multiple copies of an object onto a motion path so they can be animated. This was the perfect solution to creating realistic tank tracks.

Here is a short demo of how the tracks are working. Because of the lack of lighting and textures it is hard to see the wheels rotating so I made a few of the faces purple to display the movement.

Tuesday 13 April 2010


Sussed out the hydraulics for the missile launcher and got them working properly. Here is a render showing how it looks at the present time.

Monday 12 April 2010

Progress :)

Been cracking on with the modelling as of late. Got the tank tracks on today which I am delighted about. Also finally managed to remove the square edges from the heli.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Making progress but still working on removing the square edges.


Tuesday 30 March 2010


The body of the helicopter has proved to be quite problematic so far. Finding it difficult to get the smooth shape of the heli whilst keeping some of the hard edges. It is beggining to look like a dolphin.

Design for my heli

Here are some examples of well known gunships.

Made the main body of the Tank wider.

Monday 29 March 2010

Very basic example of my tank so far
Challenger (Main battle tank of the British army and currently in service in Iraq)
Cheiftain (British main tank in service 1966-1995)

Soviet T55 similar to the T54 they have been in service from 1947-present.

Research and development

Some more pics from my Duxford visit and some bits from my sketchbook.

Another example of the Bloodhound Missile

Es braust unser Panzer!

Had to put this up, the song is fantastic.

Video I found on youtube about the Panzer tank.


The 'Hind D'

The MI-24 'Hind D' is a Soviet military helicopter that entered service around 1976.
I saw this example at the Duxford Imperial War Museum.

You may be familiar with this gunship as it has appeared in the Metal Gear Solid series.
Starting modelling today.
Going to put up some more research and development.

Thursday 25 March 2010

Have not really made much progress the last couple of weeks.
If all goes well I intend to start modelling tomorrow.

Some concepts created from the research I collected.

Monday 15 March 2010

Westland Wasp. This Helicopter was used at sea hence its really nice compact able design. Was later replaced by the Lynx

Centurion AVRE

Bloodhound Missile


I looked at all the tanks at Duxford, these were ranging from WW2 up to present day. This Included British, German and Russian.

Here is the Panzer, my personal favourite.

The whip has been cracked

Went on a trip to Duxford on Friday with packed lunch and enthusiasm (I wasn't the only one.) This was to get some up close research for my project. Saw some interesting mechanical vehicles which has given me lots of ideas for concepts.

The three vehicles I am going to create are.

1. Tank
2. Helicopter
3. Missile Launcher

Monday 8 March 2010

aims for this week

1. Create concepts for three vehicles in sketchbook.
2. Visit Duxford war Museum to collect reference material
3. Take out books from library for further research.

and so it begins


The project I propose concentrates on animation and dynamics. I intend to create three animated mechanical vehicles using dynamics. I enjoyed the incredible machine brief and I feel this project will help improve what I feel are my weaker skills.
The vehicles that I intend to create are a Tank, Helicopter and bulldozer. These will be my own original designs based on existing vehicles.
I will need to come up with a dynamic solution for the tank and bulldozer tracks. Furthermore I will animate the tank turret so it is able to rotate, move up and down and recoil when fired. For the Helicopter the blades will need to be animated. I am going to experiment with the use of hydraulics for the bulldozer.

Three Original vehicles with rendered animations showing the moving mechanical parts.